Get subscription based customers and build your business

About Us

Why Customer choose us?

Lyt Meals is a meal subscription platform with a singular aim to relieve people from the hassle of cooking daily. A customer can book a monthly meal plan from our app in less than a minute and manage it as per their needs. We do this by providing software solutions to food outlet who in turn, can easily sell and deliver their meal plans to their customers.

Why Vendors stay with us?

We have created a tranperent platform for food vendors to deliver best quality food to their customers daily. This in turn helps their business and brand. With your food and our technology combined, we create a delightful experience for the customer

Let's Onboard

Lyt Meals makes subscription easy for customers

A customer prefers order from a food vendor through Lyt Meals for the seamless experience that we provide.

01Multiple options at a click of a button

A customer can choose from multiple meal plans serving in their area. This gives them the freedom to order in their budget and meal prefrences.

02 Pause, Edit and Swap at ease

A customer can pause their meal plan if they are not available or they can edit the quantity of meal if they expect any friends comming over. And what if they are bored of the meal they receive every week? They can easily swap those meal with an alternative given by the outlet.

03Setting time slots as per convenience

A customer can choose between any time slot provided by the food outlet as per their convenience. They can also choose if they want to skip the weekends all together.

Journey so far

We are growing at a steady pace while adding new oulets. But we also take occasional pause to make sure our current outlets are getting consistently higher orders/leads.

Why choose us?

Outlets who onboard on Lyt Meals stay with us for a long time.

Focus on Profits

Increase your order volume, drive more revenue and improve profitability with the lowest commision on Lyt Meals.

Direct Customer Access

Own your data. Market your brand with direct customer contact. Engage with your customers to build a better experience.

Web Presence

Get discovered by Customers by your own custom webpage built on Lyt Meals

Long Term Value

Customer who book a meal plan on Lyt Meals tend to stay due to our long term meal plans.

Top Outlet on Lyt Meals

Digitise your Business

Offer Subscription plans to your customers on a click of a button


There's no initial cost to join Lyt Meals. On-board on a free trial basis with a 5% commission. You will only be charged when you cloak 100 orders.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I onboard with Lyt Meals?

Just click on 'Start Free Trial' above. You will be redirected to an onboarding form. There you need to enter your details. We generally take 2-4 working days to verify your documents. Once we verify your document you will recieve your dashboard credentials with your meal plans. And you will be all set to go.

What are your charges?

Lyt Meals is free to start. Once you reach 100 order, you will need to pay Rs 7080/- if you wish to continue. The payment link will be sent via mail. If you do not want to continue with use then your outlet will turn offine. You will recieve the payment for your 100 order irrespective of your decision. Note- We also take a 5% commission on all orders.

What is your payment schedule?

The payment cycle is weekly from Monday to Sunday. The payout for this period is given on every Wednesday. The payout is based on the number meals that you have delivered in that particular week.

Do I need an FSSAI licence?

Yes, an FSSAI licence is compulsary requirement to onboard on Lyt Meals.

What are the customisations available on Lyt Meals?

You can set your own menu, coupan codes, timings, etc from the dashboard.

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